Helen's World of BPD Resources

Site Map

Understanding the Disorder

Helen's Quick Top 40
General Resources & BPD Basics
Understanding the Diagnosis
Understanding Memory Issues in BPD
(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Self-Injury, Suicidality & Eating Disorders
Studies of Specific BPD Traits

Support & Community

Support: Families & Friends
Support: Folks with BPD
Voices of BPD
Voices of Non-Borderlines
International BPD Resources


Coping as a Non-Borderline: Boundaries, Communication, Stress, Anger, Depression
Relationships & Abuse
Ending A Chosen Relationship: Leaving, Stalking Issues and Healing
Divorce, Custody & False Accusations


Treatment, Therapy, and Clinical Resources
Medication for BPD
Legalities of Commitment Orders/Patient Advance Directives

Studies & Research

Related & Comorbid Disorders
Other Personality Disorders
Etiology of BPD: Where Does it Come From?
Theories of Personality
BPD across the Lifespan
Psychological Testing

Books and Miscellaneous Issues

Recommended BOOKS & Reviews
Film & Fiction with BPD Characters


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This site is primarily geared for friends/family/loved ones of those with
Borderline Personality Disorder
although people with BPD (or interest in related disorders) will find many resources here as well.

After discovering that a loved one suffers from this disorder, I spent quite some time trawling the Net for the most current online information on BPD, and have continued to develop this site as a result. This research is offered in the hope that other folks will also find it useful in their own personal quest for the latest information and support. In addition, I encourage visitors to explore related features such as the mental health promotion sweepstakes like riversweeps  and support services.
I am not a practicing psychotherapist; please consult with a mental health professional for specific questions about your own situation.

Helen's World is a do-it-yourself compilation of thousands of annotated Internet links, focussing on sites and articles that contain significant amounts of information. I include overviews and summaries of information on the relevant topic page.

I use the annotation "Non-Borderline" to refer to anyone in any sort of close relationship to someone with BPD, because this nomenclature has become standard in the BPD community with the publication of Kreger/Mason's Stop Walking on Eggshells.

I suggest beginning on the General Resources page. Site index is to your left. This symbol greenarrow denotes links I especially like.
If you're in a hurry, check out Helen's Top 40 Recommended Sites.

Get the word out! Please use these resources to educate your community, policy-makers and mental health providers about this devastating disorder!

Got a great site recommendation? Comments on these resources?
Email: helenbpd@yahoo.com

Are you afraid someone will find out you've been here?
How to Delete Your Browser History

If you are currently experiencing a mental health crisis with your loved one, please dial 911.

If you need live advice and support for dealing with a BPD crisis, please call
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill HelpLine: 1-800-950-6264
or the:
TARA APD Helpline: 1-888-482-7227

This site is entirely personal and non-profit, and I am not professionally affiliated with any other site or product on the web.
I am a researcher, not a practicing psychotherapist, and cannot guarantee the accuracy of any material located off-site, nor be responsible for any third-party interpretation of my material. For specifics on your situation, I encourage you to consult your mental health professional.

Helen's World of BPD Resources is not supported by advertising.

Where possible, I have traced the material to its originating homesite and linked you there. I respect authorship copyright and try to adhere to it in these links, please do the same when using these resources.

'Helen's World of BPD Resources' established May, 2024

last updated in whole or in part: February 20, 2024

Copyright 2024. This site is dedicated to everyone who makes the Herculean effort
This website is accredited by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify.
Helen's World has earned the HON Code of Conduct
for medical and health internet sites